Physiologia Plantarum has different article types you can choose from.
Original Research articles should present hypothesis-driven research in one of the subject areas covered by the journal. The experiments described should address questions pertinent to the research topic and the outcomes should advance our understanding of the processes being studied, not merely repeat known results in a different species.
Practical Information: Even though we do not have a page limit, we highly recommend that manuscripts are written concisely. A maximum of 6000 words (excluding references and abstract) with 3 to 7 data displays should be aimed for. For more information about the format, please check “manuscript preparation”.
Download the MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATE here.
Physiologia Plantarum publishes short, timely, topical reviews of the most recent developments in plant sciences. Minireviews are subjected to peer review and should focus only on the recent advances in the field, not the history of the subject, emphasizing aspects that are important for the development of the field or highlighting the implications of certain recently published data. Authors are encouraged to be creative in their thinking and to address interesting and novel possibilities related to the topic.
Practical Information: Minireviews must be written concisely, with no more than 50 references and a maximum of 5000 words (excluding references and abstract). The manuscript should include a maximum of 4 data displays, with an emphasis on integrative models rather than primary data.
Physiologia Plantarum publishes reviews providing conceptual and technical background behind important areas of plant research. Reviews should appeal to experts and non-experts. They should give a comprehensive view of the topic without being text-book like (Tables should be used to list facts). Original figures and boxes highlighting particular topics and/or concepts are recommended.
Review articles will be subjected to stylistic review by an in-house copy editor in addition to the scientific peer review to ensure readability for non-experts.
Practical Information: Reviews are limited to 7000 words (excluding references and abstract) and may include 6 data displays.
Short communications should contain novel, exciting, solidly underpinned research with a clear but succinct message. The cover letter must contain a justification for a shorter publication.
Practical Information: They should be no longer than 2000 words (excluding citations and references, figure legends and materials and methods), maximum 4 data displays (figures or tables) and not more than 30 references.
Resource articles are data-driven articles based on a solid biological question. They provide accessible and reusable large-scale data, computational biology or software resources of broad interest targeting one or more of the subject areas of Physiologia Plantarum.
Practical Information: Those articles follow a SPECIFIC FORMAT downloadable here.
In brief:
Abstract divided in sections
Materials and methods
Resource overview
Results and minor discussion
Key conclusions
Data availability and FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reproducible) statements
Max 6 Figures and 3 Tables
Physiologia Plantarum publishes manuscripts with a technical focus. A clear description and comparison of existing (or absence of) techniques with others should be contained. You must clearly describe the technique so that it is reproducible by others.
Technical focus manuscripts could also compare a set of techniques to show their advantages/pitfalls.
Practical Information: These manuscripts are format-free.
Viewpoint articles should focus on key-challenges/developments related to one of our subject areas. Authors should express their perspectives on a particular issue, backed up by the literature. The aim should be to stimulate debate or to provide a new interpretation of an old problem. Authors should neither excessively criticize the research of others, except where criticism is constructive, nor dwell too much on their own research. Viewpoint articles must be accessible to a wide readership.
Practical Information: These manuscripts are format-free.