We welcome manuscripts advancing our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning plant responses/acclimation/adaptation to environmental change (temperature and light fluctuations, drought/flooding, and forest fire etc.) at genetic/epigenetic, physiological and ecosystem levels.
Ecophysiology studies on an individual/community/ecosystem/landscape scale covering plant functional processes such as gas exchange, mineral nutrition uptake/assimilation, primary and secondary metabolisms, water relations, growth and interaction with other organisms, can provide fundamental perspectives on agriculture and nature conservation.
Subject editor
Ko Noguchi
Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences,
Tokyo, Japan
Area of expertise: respiration, photosynthesis, mitochondria, primary metabolism, environmental changes, cost and benefit
Handling Editors
Julia Buitink
INRAE – IRHS (Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences)
Area of expertise: seed, desiccation tolerance, longevity, dormancy, germination
Sophie de Vries
Department of Applied Bioinformatics
Institute of Microbiology and Genetics
University of Goettingen, Germany
Area of expertise: plant-microbe interaction, EvoMPMI, evolutionary analyses, comparative and functional genomics
Karl-Josef Dietz
Plant Biochemistry and Physiology
University of Bielefeld
Bielefeld, Germany
e-mail: karl-josef.dietz@uni-bielefeld.de
Area of expertise: photosynthesis, abiotic stresses, cell signalling, redox regulation
Jaume Flexas
Department of biology
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
e-mail: jaume.flexas@uib.es
Area of expertise: plant ecophysiology, photosynthesis, gas exchange, sap flow, remote sensing, primary metabolism regulation/limitation, aquaporins, leaf anatomical properties, water stress
Christine H. Foyer
Centre for Plant Sciences
Faculty of Biological Sciences
University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom
e-mail: c.foyer@leeds.ac.uk
Area of expertise: redox biology and signalling, respiration and respiratory complex I, photosynthesis, CO2 enrichment
Bingru Huang
Department of Plant Biology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, USA
Area of expertise: stress physiology (heat, drought, salt), functional genomics, water relations, carbon/hormone/antioxidant/protein metabolisms
Vaughan Hurry
Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC)
Department of Forest Genetic and Plant Physiology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Umeå, Sweden
Area of expertise: abiotic stress, cold tolerance, photosynthesis, carbon metabolism, sucrose transport
Majken Pagter
Department of Chemistry and Bioscience
Aalborg University, Denmark
Area of expertise: freezing tolerance, cold acclimation, deacclimation, physiological, metabolic and molecular responses to temperature changes, phenology
Edouard Pesquet
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden
Area of expertise: xylem, primary and secondary cell wall, plant cell culture, programmed cell death, cytoskeleton
Rosa M. Rivero
CEBAS-CSIC, Department of Plant Nutrition
Universitario de Espinardo
Murcia, Spain
Area of expertise: plant physiology, plant biochemistry, abiotic stress combination, oxidative stress, plant molecular pathways and signalling
José M. Torres-Ruiz
Inst. de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia (IRNAS), CSIC
Seville, Spain
Area of expertise: Plant hydraulics, tree mortality, xylem embolism, plant resistance to drought, drought-induced mortality
Yasuhiro Utsumi
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
Kyushu University, Japan
Area of expertise: wood anatomy, secondary growth, water transport in plants