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How to submit your manuscript for a Special Issue

You have been invited or answer to an open call to a specific Special Issue; we are happy to take care of your manuscript!

To have a smooth submission and speed up the process, here are some specific guidelines:

Submit your manuscript via Wiley’s Research Exchange submission portal: (same credentials as ScholarOne if you have an account there).

  • In “Article Type” choose the article type you are submitting (original research, minireview, technical focus…)
    Check here for the different article types and their guidelines
  • In “Additional Information -Manuscript fous”, choose the research area closest to the article you are submitting (up to research area can be selected)
  • In “Additional Information-Preferred Editor” use “*special issue-guest editors” and specify in your cover letter if you have a preferred guest editor.
  • In “Additional Information”, at the question “is this submission for a special issue”, answer yes and pick the relevant Special Issue in the dropdown menu

For a first submission (new manuscripts and manuscripts resubmitted after “rejection with invitation”), special attention to Physiologia Plantarum’s format is not required. The manuscript, tables and figures can be submitted combined or as separate files. However, the manuscript should be a Word doc (no pdf).

Revised manuscripts (after “accepted pending revision”) must be revised according to Physiologia Plantarum’s format. The manuscript should be prepared using a word processing program and saved as a DOCX, or ODT file (PDF should NOT be used for the original text file). Image files such as JPEG, TIFF, PDF or EPS may be uploaded. For details please see the ‘Author guidelines’ section on our webpage.

If the manuscript is a resubmission or a revision, provide the previous manuscript number in your cover letter and prepare a point-by-point response letter to answer the reviewers. When preparing your revised manuscript, please HIGHLIGHT ALL MAJOR CHANGES in the text. Refrain from referring to line numbers in your cover letter as lines may be subjected to changes during technical revisions.

More info about our Manuscript Type, Open Access charge can be found on our webpage.
Contact us if you have any questions.